1. Choose meals with a high percentage of vegetables. Vegetables contain high amounts of fiber. Fiber will fill you up faster and keep your body satisfied. Generally speaking, the darker the vegetable the higher the fiber content. For example; instead of a burrito choose to have a "naked burrito" or burrito bowl. These may include different types of vegetables such as spinach, beans and peppers. Try to avoid vegetables like potatoes and choose artichoke hearts (10grams fiber/serving), spinach (7grams fiber/serving) and broccoli with garlic and lemon. If you like sweet potatoes these contain 3 grams of fiber per serving.
2. When eating at a restaurant order an appetizer for your main course. When eating at a restaurant I tend to order an appetizer as my meal. Appetizers are a smaller portion and I find that the choices are better than the main course. You can always add a light vegetable soup or salad if you are very hungry. Some common appetizer choices may be hummus with whole grain pita (50-100 calories per serving), crab cakes (160-300 calories per crabcake), lettuce wraps (Chilli's Lettuce wraps 580 calories) or grilled calamari (average calories 20/oz).
3. Take home half your meal in a doggie bag. When ordering your entree tell the waiter to cut the order in half and put it in a doggie bag before bringing you out your entree. You will automatically cut the calories, fat, carbs etc. in half and you have lunch or dinner for tomorrow. Save your waist and your wallet!
4. Bread Basket Catastrophe. You know the moment when the bread is heading your way? You can smell the yeasty (is that a word?) goodness from across the room. The tasty morsels hit your table and you stare at them for a few seconds. Do you dare to pick one up or do you have the willpower to resist? Just say NO! Tell your waiter or host when you sit, to make sure they do not bring rolls out for you. If you are at a table with others that do want the bread than just make sure the basket is far enough away from you or out of your line of vision. I feel tall candles or centerpieces work well.
What are your favorite tricks for eating out? Let me know at [email protected] and I will add them to my facebook page and credit you www.facebook.com/drsuzheals. Enjoy!
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