However, as I learned from discussing with Trina Felber, the owner and founder of Primal Life Organics, the term "organic" is used very loosely these days and provides a false sense of security. Here is the truth, most organic skincare contains contaminants, irritants and preservatives. "Organic" may refer to one natural ingredient while the remainder of the ingredients are harmful.
When using skin care you must make sure that you read the ingredients. Just like you would read (I hope) the ingredients when buying food, you should know what you are putting on the largest organ in your body, your skin. Primal Life Organics is a brand of products that I have been using religiously for several months and highly recommend to you. This is a skincare line based on the principles of the Paleolithic (Paleo) diet. Using these principles, Primal Life Organics is one company taking healthy skincare to a whole new level!
What is Paleo? Paleo is often referred to as a diet: paleo diet, caveman diet, and hunter-gatherer diet. The paleolithic diet is based on the presumed diet of Paleolithic humans. Basically, if a caveman would not have eaten it neither should you. It is based on the premise that human genetics have not really changed since the end of the Paleolithic era, around 15,000 years ago. We should mimic our ancestors, who suffered from fewer chronic diseases than modern populations.
The Paleolithic diet consists of fish, vegetables, fruit, grass-fed pasture raised meats, fungi roots, and nuts, and excludes grains, legumes, dairy products, potatoes, refined salt, refined sugar, and processed oils. To put it simply, following a Paleo diet means eating real food! Eat real food AND use skincare made with only real food sources.
Paleo skincare uses sources that our ancestors millions of years ago could have used on their own skin. Chemicals made in a laboratory are never added to Paleo skincare. The other great part of Paleo skincare products is that they use fresh sources of nutrients. If you would not eat 2 month old vegetables, why would you use skincare that has been sitting on a shelf for months?
Skincare products that are mass produced are packed with artificial preservatives to prevent mold and bacteria from growing in the product as it sits on a shelf for up to 3 years in some cases. These preservatives can contaminate your body causing damage at a cellular level. These chemicals can disrupt hormones and cause adverse skin reactions like acne, rosacea, rashes, melasma and damage your DNA.
Some of the harmful ingredients in most skincare products are: Sodium Lauryl Sulfate (SLS) and Ammonium Lauryl Sulfate (ALS), Benzoyl Peroxide, Propylene Glycol, Paraben Preservatives, Talc, Mica and several other hard to pronounce chemicals. There are several problems with these ingredients. Some are neurotoxins that are poisonous to nerve tissue in your body and others are mutagens which produce DNA damage in human and other mammalian cells leading to cancer. These ingredients also dehydrate the cells of the skin and many cause rashes and allergies. Many disrupt the endocrine system such as phthalates, which are found in cosmetics like nail polish and in synthetic fragrances, both perfumes and fragrance ingredients in other cosmetic products. Phthalate exposure has been linked to early puberty in girls, a risk factor for later-life breast cancer. Some phthalates also act as weak estrogens in cell culture systems. Another common chemical, parabens, are a group of compounds used as an anti-fungal agent, preservative and antimicrobial in creams, ointments, lotions and other cosmetics, including underarm deodorants. These chemicals are all absorbed through the skin and have been identified in biopsy samples from breast tumors. Parabens mimic estrogen by binding to estrogen receptors on cells. Research has shown that increased levels of estrogen above normal levels can in some cases trigger reactions such as increasing breast cell division and the growth of tumors.
These ingredients can cause harm to your body and organs, as well as cause harm in unborn, developing children. Small trace amounts of chemicals are not likely to cause much of an issue, however, there are numerous chemicals in all of the products we use on our skin and consume through food, drink and the environment on a daily basis.
Problems and symptoms of these chemicals can include:
- Skin allergies
- Cancer
- Infertility
- Birth defects
- Reproductive problems (cysts, hormonal)
- Learning disabilities, concentration problems
- Early puberty
- Diarrhea, IBS and GI malfunction
- DNA damage
Lets Get Personal. Personally, after using these products, I have experienced clearer, smoother and less red skin. I suffered from acne when I was younger and as an adult had mild rosacea. Cutting out dairy and gluten has helped, but this change in skincare has made the difference. I have also experienced less premenstrual cramping and headaches. My diet has basically been the same since the use of these products. I completely stopped using any products that had added chemicals including my toothpaste and deodorant both of which I now use are from Primal Life Organics.
You do not have to eat a Paleo diet to use Primal Life Organics or other Paleo skincare. You will still see results and feel the difference. If you eliminate the toxins that were in your skincare items you will feel good about the choice you made. Once you begin experiencing the difference through your skin, you will likely want to start eliminating the foods that are causing disruptions in your body in order to benefit your overall health and longevity.
Primal Life Organics is a Paleo skincare company that believes in healing the body (and the skin) with fresh, real food sources. Their products are the most nutrient dense skincare available because they make skin-food fresh when ordered. They do not need harmful preservatives in their products, since they are made to be used immediately. They have diligently researched real food solutions for many skincare problems, such as acne, rosacea, melasma, rashes, perioral dermatitis and more. Many find their skin can heal within 6-8 weeks with use of Primal Life Organics. I highly recommend you checking them out here: Primal Life Organics.
To Get 10% Off All Orders of Primal Life Organics Skincare Use My Personal Promo Code: DRSUZHEALS at Checkout
Cheers to Your Health!